Alcohol and Hyperhidrosis: Are Alcohol Sweats Ruining Your Fun? Enjoying a drink or two is a fun social activity unless you suffer from hyperhidrosis. Excessive sweating after drinking [...]
Strutting in Stilettos with Hyperhidrosis: Tackling Sweaty Feet in Heels High heels can elevate your style and confidence, but for those grappling with hyperhidrosis, it can be a slippery slope. [...]
Does Hyperhidrosis Affect Fertility? If you struggle with excessive sweating not related to intense physical activity or sweltering weather conditions, you may be one of the people affected by [...]
Stress occurs when you feel scared, nervous, or under too much pressure. It’s a natural and normal reaction that can manifest in a variety of ways. Sweaty palms, a racing heart, and the [...]
We are all aware of how brutal a hot summer month can get between temperatures and humidity. Humans have many ways to keep them cool, both natural and man-made. But what about the animals that [...]
By now, you have probably heard of, or read about, a number of sweat prevention tips and tricks. Try different deodorants, shave your armpits, wear dark clothes to mask sweat stands, hydrate your [...]
Everyone knows what sweating is because, quite frankly, everyone sweats. The average person, however, may not know what hyperhidrosis is- even if they have the condition. Hyperhidrosis, in simple [...]
Sweating during sleeping. It is a problem that can be a literal (and figurative) nightmare for millions of people and it very much a reality. Excessive sweating while sleeping can drench your [...]
If you are experiencing excessive sweating, it is important to know that you are not alone. Millions of people worldwide suffer from excessive sweating every day- and you can do something about [...]
It’s no secret that the last few months have been anything but normal. With the sweeping effects of a pandemic, coronavirus has truly affected every part of life as we knew it. One of the biggest [...]